Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Once upon a time i was riding in my dodge mangnum. it was my brother kevin and I and we where going to ride around the whole north and south and then come home with alot of stories to tell everybody. First we went to the store to get food and drinks then we fill the car with gas.when we got on the rode we decided that were going to take turns driving.we went to north carolina, miami, and more places. when we got home we had a gift for every one and had a story for every state and city we went to.


lilvno said...

I would have been a long ride.

JRLawson said...

cool...lucky you+

g4atw said...

i wish that happe to me.gerad-obama

JuJu's World said...

the is a cute car I like the colors

Jeezy said...

that car is extra cold g!!!!

*kandie gurl* said...

~that car is so cute and i luve your story~

g4atw said...

pretty cool story.