Monday, January 5, 2009


what i did over winter break is spend time with every person i love and care for plus i went shoping the whole two weeks while i was spending time with those people. I went to parties and spent the night out with freinds. the whole winter break was a winter break of fun to me and my friends. we went to CSU to play ball in the inside gym "it cost us 5 dollars to get in" then we went to mcdonlds to get something to eat then went home kick it then got ready for a party we was going to with my big brother.

1 comment:

g4atw said...

i realy liked your story,and the way that you have the reader to open there heads and see what you did for winter break. but i think that you need to have more periods in your story than run ons.but you story wasa great.-gerad-obama