Friday, November 14, 2008


when i wake up in and when my alarm go off it is a nightmare. I live in the house with 13 other people and 8 of them have to get up and get ready for school and work and we only have one bathroom so everybody is fighting for the bathroom. while they fight im thinking how am i about to get ready for school when they are waiting and fighting for the bathroom and if i even did my homework. by time i get in the bathroom i have at least 10 to 15 minutes to do what i have to do. when i get to school they bother you at the front door and if you there early they stuff you in the lunchroom until it is 8:oo when i wake up i wish i could just go back to sleep and get away from the morning madness.

1 comment:

Syd So Serene said...

dang, 13 other people. I thought 5 people was a lot.