Thursday, November 20, 2008


what is your favorite subject? math
what color are your socks right now? white
what was the last thing that you ate? little ceaser pizza
can you drive? yes
if you was a crayon, what color would you be and why? i would be blue because its a clam but cool color.
the last person you talk to on the phone? my girlfriend
what is your favorite candy? chocalate
favorite drink? furitopia
what is your favorite sport to watch? basketball
have you ever dyed your hair? no
pets? a dog
favorite food? macoroni
what isthe last movie you watched? the hunted of molly hartly
what do you do to vent anger? talk to my girlfriend
what was your favorite toy as a kid? toy truck
what is your favorite seasons fall or spring? fall
cherries or blueberries? cherries
when was the last time you laughed? just now
what did you do last night? sleep
favorite smells? love spell, curve
what inspires you? my brother
what are you afraid of? my dog
favorite dog breed? pitbull
number of keys on your key ring? none
favorite day of the week? Friday
how many states have you live in? 1
favorite holiday? thanksgiving
ever driven a motorcycle or heavy machinery? no
ever left the country? no
favorite kind of music? hip-hop
last book you read? sex chronicles

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